After installing Drupal, I cannot login anymore after logging out for the first time. That is to say, after typing username and password and hitting enter, the screen refreshes and I seem not to have logged in. I do not get any error messages about using wrong names etc...
After searching the forums I have also concluded that my login problem is NOT related to:
- the double login phenomenon
- cookies
- cache
However, the following hack allows me to login normally. The hack consists of commenting out three lines in user.module:
//$old_session_id = session_id();
//db_query("UPDATE {sessions} SET sid = '%s' WHERE sid = '%s'", session_id(), $old_session_id);
This leads me to believe that the real cause of the problem lies with the PHP settings on the server of my webhost. My questions are:
What am I potentially compromising by commenting those lines out in user.module?
What other solutions are there?
Drupal 4.7.4, PHP 5.1.6, IIS 5, mysql client api 5.0.22
Using browsers: Firefox 2 and IE 6
Installing Drupal 5 also didn't get me past the login screen...